
If you are a broker or other nominee who purchased or otherwise acquired publicly traded common stock of HyreCar Inc. (“HyreCar”) during the period between May 13, 2021 through August 10, 2021, both dates inclusive (the “Settlement Cass Period”), THEN WITHIN SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS OF YOUR RECEIPT OF THE NOTICE, you must either:

  1. If you have no beneficial purchasers/owners, please advise the Claims Administrator in writing; or
  2. Supply the Claims Administrator with email addresses. If email addresses are not available, provide the Claims Administrator with names and last known addresses of your beneficial purchasers/owners and we will do the mailing of the Postcard Notice. Please provide this information electronically. If you are not able to do this, labels will be accepted, but it is important that a hardcopy list also be submitted of your clients; or
  3. Advise us of how many beneficial purchasers/owners you have, and we will supply you with ample Postcard Notices to do the mailing. After the receipt of the postcards, you have seven (7) calendar days to mail them; or
  4. Request a copy of the link to the Notice of (I) Pendency of Class Action and Proposed Settlement; (II) Settlement Fairness Hearing; and (III) Motion for an Award of Attorneys’ Fees and Reimbursement of Litigation Expenses (“Notice”) and Proof of Claim and Release Form (“Claim Form”) (collectively, the “Notice and Claim Form”) in electronic format and email the links to each of your beneficial purchasers/owners within seven (7) calendar days.

If you are providing a list of names, last known addresses, and email addresses (if available) to the Claims Administrator:

  1. Compile a list of names, last known addresses, and email addresses (if available) of the beneficial purchasers/owners who purchased or otherwise acquired publicly traded common stock of HyreCar during the period between May 13, 2021 through August 10, 2021, both dates inclusive.
  2. Prepare the list in Microsoft Excel format.
  3. Then you must do one of the following:
    1. Email the spreadsheet to; or
    2. Burn the Microsoft Excel file(s) to a CD or DVD and mail the CD or DVD to:
      Ivan Baron v. HyreCar Inc., et al.
      c/o Strategic Claims Services
      600 N. Jackson Street, Suite 205
      Media, PA 19063

If you are mailing the Postcard Notice to beneficial purchasers/owners:

If you elect to mail the Postcard Notice to beneficial purchasers/owners yourself, additional copies of the Postcard Notice may be requested via email to info@strategicclaims.netYou must also send a statement to the Claims Administrator at the address above confirming that the mailing was made, and you must retain your mailing records for use in connection with any further notices that may be provided in the Action. Failure to timely forward the Postcard Notice to beneficial purchasers/owners may affect their legal rights.

If you have any questions, contact the Claims Administrator at or by calling 1-866-274-4004.

Expense Reimbursement:

You are entitled to reimbursement for your reasonable expenses actually incurred in complying with the foregoing not to exceed: $0.03 per email if you email the link to the Notice and Claim Form; $0.03 per name, address, and email address if you are providing the Claims Administrator the records; or $0.03 per Postcard Notice mailed by you, plus postage at the current pre-sort rate used by the Claims Administrator, if requesting Postcard Notices to perform the mailing yourself.

If you are filing electronic claims:

A nominee may also submit a Claim Form on behalf of multiple clients who are beneficial purchasers/owners. The electronic spreadsheet to be filed along with a completed Claim Form, Proof of Authority to file, a cover letter listing the number of accounts and number of transactions on your spreadsheet, and the list of beneficial owners of all accounts (include social security number/taxpayer identification number) can be found here. Please contact the Claims Administrator if you have any questions regarding the electronic filing process at 1-866-274-4004 or at